Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summary of recent life

(1) Finally done moving to new house with my boyfieSo currently we're staying under the same roof
But pls, don't think too much on that
I know how people out there will gossip bout us if they know we r living together

(2) Internshit
Opppss, I mean INTERNSHIP
I screwed my first interview with my desired company
Okay la, I admit it was my fault
Telling how much I wish to work there but i din conduct a comprehensive background check on it
Making myself such a joke
Din see it coming so soon u know
Yes, it's very disappointing to lose this opportunity
What bother me now the most is
"What's my next step?"
I know I should never lose hope, never lose faith
But til now, there's none of them reply my application
I've learned that,
to enter a world's leading company
an impressive academic achievement alone is not always the main criterion to evaluate how good u r

(3) FYP
Can't believe that I'm already a year 3 student now (Woahhh)
Facing quite alot of hardship doing our fyp
The title itself is vry impressing, but can we really do it alright?
We still need to prepare an abstract for our research for conference
Sounds pro right?
Thanks a million to our fyp supervisor for giving us this chance to publish our paper :D

(4) Convo audition
Actually I dont feel like being selected for this
I'm not showing off or bluffing kay
I have a super serious stage fright
What makes me go for this audition no matter how unwilling I am
is because I was appointed by my photographer
He believes that I should give it a try
But frankly, I don't think I can perform well
I afraid that I will disappoint him in either way


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